2024 New Releases for SWW Authors #3

Christie Palmer Lowrance, Dr. Alan E. Diehl, Donna Pedace, BR Kingsolver, and Roberta Summers are just a few examples of the genre-diverse membership of SouthWest Writers (SWW). Their releases couldn’t fit in the 2024 interview schedule, but look for 2025 interviews or updates for some of these authors.

A list of interviewed SWW authors with 2024 releases is included at the end of this post.

The Last Heath Hen: An Extinction Story (May 2024) by Christie Palmer Lowrance. Experts say the heath hen, a game bird related to the prairie chicken, is the only species of which the last individual in the wild was known and documented before extinction. The Last Heath Hen is a true account of the dwindling days of a species of wild bird on the island of Martha’s Vineyard and the efforts to save it.

Written for young readers to show them the complexity of conservation and the importance of valuing all wildlife.

Look for Christie on her website and on Facebook.

Requiem for Camelot: Whistleblower Reveals Why JFK, Jr. Died (July 2024) by Dr. Alan E. Diehl. While conspiracy theories continue to swirl around the death of “America’s Prince,” many people dismiss the tragedy as another manifestation of the “Kennedy Curse.” This expose explains how the cause of his crash was actually bureaucratic machinations that prevented him from getting critical training. Requiem for Camelot is the inside story of the icon’s tragic death and how official malfeasance continues to threaten everyone who flies.

You’ll find Alan on his website AlanEDiehl.com and his Amazon author page.

Women Warriors: The Hidden Spies of WWII (July 2024) by Donna Pedace. This is an unforgettable collection of wartime exploits by heroines like Virginia Hall, Pearl Witherington, and Noor Inayat Khan. Their patriotism, courage, ingenuity, and sacrifice were indispensable in working with Resistance movements to conduct espionage, sabotage, and reconnaissance in Nazi-held territory. Readers will be awed by the accomplishments of this extraordinary group of patriots and humbled by their sacrifices. Most of these brave women parachuted into France, risking their lives to support the Allied war effort through leadership and coordination with local Resistance networks.

Visit Donna on her Amazon author page.

Demon Dance and Other Disasters (A Spirit Mage’s Journey Book 1, August 2024) by BR Kingsolver. Katy Brown is a tracker. Since her parents were murdered, she’s survived by tracking down the dangerous and the lost—rogue vampires and werewolves, missing children, runaway dogs, even deadbeat spouses. If it pays the rent, she’ll find it. But then a master mage offers her a very different job—track down a wizard-summoning demon. The reward is all her heart desires. This mission is darker, deadlier, and more twisted than anything she’s faced before. Join her on a high-stakes mission where the reward could change her life—or cost her everything.

Look for BR’s books on BRKingsolver.com and Amazon. Connect with the author on Facebook and Twitter/X.

Pele’s Children (September 2024) by Roberta Summers. This sequel to Pele’s Realm is a crime adventure novel set on the Big Island of Hawaii. Maggie and John Kovac are once again in the crosshairs of the Hawaiian Mafia. Maggie is notified of John’s death at the hands of the Mafia, but Madam Pele, the Fire Goddess of the volcanoes, intervenes. Although he was shot and tumbled into Kileaua Caldera, he survives but has amnesia. The Mafia learns of John’s survival and kidnaps Maggie to use as bait to find him. Will John’s memory return? Will he and Maggie survive the Mafia’s attempts to silence them forever?

You’ll find Roberta on RobertaSummers.com and on Amazon.

SWW Author Interviews: 2024 Releases

Tim Amsden
Love Letter to Ramah

Michael Backus
The Heart is Meat

Rachel Bate
Hatch Chile Willie

Irene Blea

E. Joe Brown
A Cowboy’s Fortune (Kelly Can Saga Book 2)

Gency Brown
A Right Fine Life

Mary Lou Dobbs
Badass Old White Woman: How to Flip the Script on Aging

Lynn Ellen Doxon
The Moonlight Cavalry

Robert D. Kidera
Burn Scars

Kendra Loring
The Saga of Henri Standing Bear

William Murray
Worn Out Saddles and Boot Leather

Jeff Otis
Raptor Lands: The Story of the Harrowing Return of the Dinosaurs

Léonie Rosenstiel
Protecting Mama: Surviving the Legal Guardianship Swamp

KLWagoner150_2KL Wagoner loves creating worlds of fantasy and science fiction. Her current work in progress is The Last Bonekeeper fantasy trilogy and short stories in the same universe. A member of SouthWest Writers since 2006, Kat has worked as the organization’s secretary, newsletter editor, website manager, and author interview coordinator. Kat is also a veteran, a martial art student, and a grandmother. Visit her at klwagoner.com.

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