Cornelia Gamlem


Business, Creative Nonfiction


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On Twitter: @bigbookofhr; 


Cornelia is an “accidental author” who started writing when she collaborated with a colleague for a guide to share with clients. A book emerged, but it never took off beyond their respective client base. Then in 2011 another colleague approached with an offer to co-author The Big Book of HR. A writing partnership was born. They have since written three additional books, The Essential Workplace Conflict Handbook, The Conflict Resolution Phrase Book, The Manager’s Answer Book, and They Did What? a creative non-fiction work. Having always been told she’s a natural storyteller, she’s turning to that voice within and learning different ways of writing with a new storytelling voice emerging. Cornelia and her co-author collaborate on a weekly blog Making People Matter and write a blog for the HRExchange Network.

Cornelia has written articles for major publications including Fast Company, Forbes, Inc, Authority Magazine and ThriveGlobal.  She’s been quoted in major publications including the Wall Street Journal, the Financial Times, Fortune, The New York Times, Forbes, CEO Magazine, The Globe & Mail, Newsday, and HR Magazine.

Most of her career was spent in a senior HR leadership role with a Fortune 500 IT services company before starting her own management consulting firm. She served on national task forces that influenced public policy, testified before the EEOC and served in volunteer leadership positions, including on the national board with the Society of Human Resource Management. She has also served as a technical editor for McGraw Hill Education.

The biggest challenge to writing is constantly and continually promoting your books and learning all you can about emerging platforms, social media, and public relations.


Title: The Decisive Manager: Get Results, Build Morale, and Be the Boss Your People Deserve
♦ Co-author: Barbara Mitchell
Publisher: Career Press (2023)
Genre: Business

The Decisive Manager is an essential read for those seeking to work out complicated people issues, address problem areas, and get everyone on track to succeed.

People issues. They seemingly arise out of nowhere and just don’t go away. It’s critical that managers handle them right. As a manager you need to know so many things about managing people, but you don’t even know what to ask! The Decisive Manager can help. With examples of typical situations that managers encounter and advice on how to handle them, it’s an easy-to-use guide for people managers—from hiring to firing and everything in between: Find and Hire the Best Talent; Create a Positive Employee Experience; Pay and Reward Employees; Help Employees Grow and Develop; Understand Policies and Practices; and Ensuring Graceful Endings. The important issues surrounding remote and hybrid work are also addressed, including how to best support your staff, onboard from afar, and keep accountability yet flexibility for all.

Concerned about navigating the changing workplace and avoiding legal pitfalls? There are questions and essential answers about these issues, too. Managing people correctly is critical to every manager’s success. The Decisive Manager will help with those unexpected challenges that arise too often. This is an essential read for all who lead.

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Title: They Did What? Unbelievable Tales from the Workplace
♦ Co-author: Barbara Mitchell
Publisher: BookBaby (2020)
Genre: Business

People have been misbehaving at work since work began. If you’ve ever been curious about workplace misbehavior, They Did What? Unbelievable Tales from the Workplace just might hold some answers. Written in the genre of narrative nonfiction, because who doesn’t love a good story, it’s a compilation of tales collected from HR and other business leaders woven into a narrative that showcases the challenges HR professionals face daily in dealing with employees. They Did What? is funny, sad, and most definitely unbelievable—except it is all based on actual situations. We couldn’t make this stuff up!

Told against the backdrop of a fictitious company by leaders from different business sectors, They Did What?:
• Portrays people issues that can arise in any workplace.
• Spotlights the world of HR leaders and how they keep things on an even keel.
• Is a glimpse behind the scenes into compelling and relatable workplace tales.

Available for Sale

BookBaby Bookshop

Title: The Manager’s Answer Book
♦ Co-author: Barbara Mitchell
Publisher: Career Press (2018)
Genre: Business

Congratulations, you’re a manager! Of course you have expertise in the field you’re managing, but what about everything else? There’s so much more to know!

Whether you’re a new or seasoned manager, your responsibilities can become overwhelming at times. There are days and new situations that will leave you feeling vulnerable. You don’t know where to start or even what to ask! The Manager’s Answer Book can help. In question-and-answer format, this easy-to-use guide provides information on many aspects of managing. It will help any manager stay informed and avoid unknowingly tripping over a new situation.

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Barnes & Noble

Title: The Big Book of HR, 10th Anniversary Edition
♦ Co-author: Barbara Mitchell
Publisher: Career Press (2022)
Genre: Business

Every leader will agree that managing people is challenging and growing more complex. Since The Big Book of HR was first published, dramatic changes have taken place in the workplace and the workforce.  This 10th anniversary edition incorporates discussions and reflections on these changes which are useful for any business owner, manager, or HR professional. It’s the ultimate guide to human resource challenges, issues, emerging trends and best practices.

Available for Sale

Barnes & Noble

Title: The Conflict Resolution Phrase Book
♦ Co-author: Barbara Mitchell
Publisher: Career Press (2017)
Genre: Business

No one wants to go into a tenuous situation blind and fumbling for words. Rather than shy away from a difficult situation or conversation, The Conflict Resolution Phrase Book, is the ideal resource to help anyone prepare for and prevail in these situations.

Some situations are unpredictable, and you can’t plan for every conversation—but having the right words on hand empowers you to stand up to conflict rather than run from it. The more you practice confronting and even embracing conflict, the stronger that habit will become and the less likely you will feel like fleeing from a difficult situation.

The Conflict Resolution Phrase Book is a great resource that everyone should have at their fingertips to approach any difficult situation with the assurance that the words will come out right!

Available for Sale

Barnes & Noble

Title: The Essential Workplace Conflict Handbook
♦ Co-author: Barbara Mitchell
Publisher: Career Press (2015)
Genre: Business

Today’s workplaces are dynamic, so it shouldn’t surprise anyone that tension can develop quickly and ruinously. The Essential Workplace Conflict Handbook is the ideal resource for anyone ready to confront conflict at work rather than run from it. Managed correctly, conflict can be a positive source for innovation and creativity.

Using examples drawn from a wide range of corporate and entrepreneurial experiences, along with checklists and other practical tools, The Essential Workplace Conflict Handbook will help employees, managers, and business owners in having positive interactions and effective communications in the workplace.

Available for Sale

Barnes & Noble

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