Ramblings & Reflections

Ramblings & Reflections: Winning Words of SouthWest Writers’ 2021 Contest is now available!

Inside, you’ll find 54 winning entries from SouthWest Writers’ 2021 competition. You’ll encounter aliens, foreign lands, post-apocalyptic environments, supernatural beings, paeans to nature, tributes to the lost, calls to action, wry humor, mysteries to ponder and histories to marvel at. The authors of this volume ably demonstrate the largesse of storytelling’s landscape, exploring the gamut of literature’s functions. They emote, exhort, evoke, inform, implore, explore, explain, entertain and exorcise. They have engaged in all the best pursuits, which—in the end—are really just one: to look within in order to see more fully without. We hope you, too, will be transported and transformed on the journeys they curate.

For Sale

E-book and paperback editions of the anthology are available on Amazon. Revenue from the sale of Ramblings & Reflections will be used to pay for organizational programs such as high quality speakers and presenters at the meetings, classes, and workshops.

Table of Contents

Gray Boy ♦ Bailey Burck
Joe the Dinosaur ♦ Maggie Griffin Taylor
A New Mexico Love Story ♦ Kathleen Holmes
Eighteen-wheelers ♦ Alane Brown
After the Rush Fades ♦ Claire A. Murray
All in Your Mind ♦ Tony Major
Corner Table ♦ Matthew Geyer
Amsterdam ♦ Heather Bennett
Soaked ♦ Emmaly Wiederholt
An Annual Visitation ♦ Anna Sochocky
Canine Therapy♦ Alane Brown
Crying Man ♦ Charles Powell
Birds of a Feather ♦ Kimberly Rose
Covid Stream ♦ Meg Scherch Peterson
Bitch Wings ♦ Michelle Smith
Bone Listener ♦ Alane Brown
Feeling So Grownup ♦ Donald de Noon
Brotherly Love ♦ Jenny Hansen
Dark Goodbye ♦ Lucy M. Quinn
Crossed Paths ♦ Lynn Andrepont
Cultural Inspection ♦ Tisha Reichle-Aguilera
In Memoriam ♦ Carlton Holte
As Always ♦ Elise Phillips
Catfish Reverie ♦ Alane Brown
El Estado del Alma ♦ Meg Scherch Peterson
Katie ♦ Ed Lehner
Journey ♦ Maggie Griffin Taylor
Life With Mags ♦ Chris Allen
Kiss the Cook ♦ Sue Ann Owens
Origins ♦ Larry Baer
Santa Anas ♦ Marcia Meier
Not Doubting That Pendulums Swing ♦ Matt Nyman
Snow Angels in Hell ♦ Laurie Pals
Nocturnal Awakening ♦ Alane Brown
Tender ♦ Lois Ruby
Stain-Glassed Poppies ♦ Rebecca Dakota
Parade ♦ John Cornish
The Dude Abides ♦ Lynne Sebastian
Party at My Hanging ♦ Dustin Ramsbacher
The Escape♦ Alane Brown
The Game ♦ Vanessa Foster
Night in Childhood ♦ PK Hill
The Psychiatrist’s Window ♦ Conor McAnally
Peters’s Pickled Peppers ♦ Alane Brown
The Secret of the Smiling Rock Man ♦ Joe Cappello
To Jan, With Love ♦ Dana Starr
Time Between Hours ♦ Anna Sochocky
With Pens of Love and Grace ♦ Avraham Shama
Would You Build a House ♦ Carol Rawie
What the Fork ♦ Dana Starr
Will You Let My Name Die? ♦ Laina MacRae
Someone Really Should ♦ Lynn Assimacopoulos
Sol & Terra: A Romance ♦ Alane Brown
Faith ♦ Jennifer Mitchell

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