Steven McFadden

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Articles, Biography, Other Nonfiction

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In the early 1980s I initiated Chiron Communications as an umbrella concept for my varied interests and pursuits. Chiron is a bridging figure, and bridging is what I’ve mainly been interested in over the years. After authoring Profiles in Wisdom and Legend of the Rainbow Warriors with Bear & Co. in Santa Fe, I rested the Chiron concept to serve as National Coordinator for the annual Earth Day USA celebration, in partnership with the Seventh Generation Fund (1993).

As a journalist, I’m the author of a range of non-fiction books, including Farms of Tomorrow, Farms of Tomorrow Revisited, The Call of the Land, Teach Us To Number Our Days, A Primer for Pilgrims, and Classical Considerations. I’m honored to have had the opportunity to author an epic, nonfiction saga of North America: Odyssey of the 8th Fire. This saga ( relates a true story arising from the deepest roots of our land, but taking place in the present and the future. In it, circles within circles, honorable elders make a great and generous giveaway of the teachings they carry.

My newest agrarian book, Deep Agroecology: Farms, Food, and Our Future is self published with the able assistance of my wife, Elizabeth Wolf. We were both so pleased when in 2020 the book won the national Indie Excellence Award in the environmental category. I’m enthusiastically happy now in 2021 to be at work on a biography about a kind and wise leader who in his life had an important influence in New Mexico. It just feels good to be researching and writing about someone who was essentially good. It also feels good at this time to be a member of, and to learn from associations within the SWW writing community.


Title: Deep Agroecology: Farms, Food, and Our Future
Publisher: Light and Sound Press (2019)
Genre: Environment

Farms and food are foundational for civilization. Right now our civilization is undergoing massive upheaval. We must build a new foundation, and that imperative task is going to take all of us. Deep Agroecology shows the way. The union of native wisdom ways with sophisticated, sustainable tools and practices can lead to the renewal and the elevation of all forms of life on Earth. Our next, necessary evolutionary step depends on spiritually intelligent, regenerative agriculture: deep agroecology. Agroecology is an ecological approach to growing food and fiber that appreciates farms and orchards as ecosystems. Internationally, agroecology is increasingly recognized as an approach capable of meeting productivity goals while replenishing the soil, sequestering climate destabilizing CO2, and striving toward justice for all the human beings and animals in the food system. Deep agroecology arises from basic recognition that the way we farm will determine the destiny of life on the earth.

Available for Sale


Title: Profiles in Wisdom: Native Elders Speak About the Earth
Publisher: Bear & Co. (1990)
Genre: Environment

Taking the lead from John F. Kennedy’s Pulitzer Prize winning Profiles in Courage, Steven McFadden presents the stories and thinking of 17 Native American spiritual elders. As our existing culture shifts, what do the ancient ones who have been trained in the sacred traditions of Turtle Island (America) have to say to us? With this question and others, journalist McFadden begins his quest to speak with contemporary Native American elders. The elders offer penetrating and poetic insight on a host of crucial matters.

Available for Sale


Title: Classical Considerations: Musings Prompted by the late Harvard Master John H. Finley, Jr.
Publisher: Soul*Sparks (2013)
Genre: Inspirational

This is indeed a Soul*Spark. Life’s foundational questions come elegantly to the fore in this skillfully crafted nonfiction story about the late John H. Finley, Jr. For 51 years Finley was the celebrated and erudite Eliot Professor of the Classics at Harvard. Luminous and compellingly relevant, his story leads readers directly into engagement with the fundamental wisdom questions of any worthwhile life. Classical Considerations offers a compact (44 pages) but brilliantly lyrical array of intellectual sparks that will kindle an exuberant fire in every reader’s soul.

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