Anna Sochocky

Pen Name:



Articles, Memoir, Poetry


Social Media:

Facebook: WriterEquine
Facebook: Sochocky

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I am a memoir writer with citizenship in both the United States and the United Kingdom. I was born in a small Suffolk town to an English mother and a Ukrainian father, and later came of age in the American Midwest before moving to New Mexico fourteen years ago.

My literary work has appeared in the Waterstone Literary Journal and has received Honorable Mentions in the New Millennium Writings and Fourth Genre Journals as well as third prize in the Canadian Larry Turner Award for Nonfiction. I have been awarded creative nonfiction mentorships including the SASE Nonfiction Mentorship Program and the Loft Literary Center in Minneapolis, Minnesota and have received residencies with Norcroft: A Writing Retreat for Women and the Room of Her Own Foundation.

In addition to my creative nonfiction work, I am widely published in national equine magazines on the topics of horses, health, and history and teach equine literature courses with the Santa Fe Community Education Continuing Education program, and the Corrales Arts Center. I hold undergraduate degrees in history and political science from Macalester College and a graduate degree from the Hamline Graduate of Liberal Studies program.

Nonfiction Books in Progress

Title: Witness: A Contemporary American Memoir
Status: Editing

In my memoir, I write about how living on the periphery of my parents’ potent and chilling history affected me long into adulthood, a history that almost broke me.

Poetry/Short Prose

Anthology: Ramblings and Reflections: Winning Words of SouthWest Writers 2021 Contest
Publisher: SouthWest Writers (2021)

♦ “An Annual Visitation” (pp. 54-64), 1st Place Biography
♦ “Time Between Hours” (pp. 266-267), 2nd Place Poetry: Spiritual

Inside, you’ll find 54 winning entries from SouthWest Writers’ 2021 competition. You’ll encounter aliens, foreign lands, post-apocalyptic environments, supernatural beings, paeans to nature, tributes to the lost, calls to action, wry humor, mysteries to ponder and histories to marvel at. The authors of this volume ably demonstrate the largesse of storytelling’s landscape, exploring the gamut of literature’s functions. They emote, exhort, evoke, inform, implore, explore, explain, entertain and exorcise. They have engaged in all the best pursuits, which—in the end—are really just one: to look within in order to see more fully without. We hope you, too, will be transported and transformed on the journeys they curate.

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