Elizabeth Rose


Pen Name:

E.P. Rose


Historical Biography, Military Memoir



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The birth of Elizabeth Rose by the light of a hurricane lamp on the dining room table in the Himalayan foothills during the last decade of the British Raj precurses an unusual life ahead. A Raj orphan shipped from India aged seven, roaming the moors of an English children’s home, feral, her imagination developed un-schooled and un-censored. Wife, mother, Speech Pathologist, and sculptor, with the same passion she gave to each career, she now gives to her writing. Influenced by her step-father, the author, John Masters, she joined SouthWest Writers in 2008 to craft this historical biography of her birth-father’s life. She has received more than a dozen awards to date. Emigrating from England in 1986 she now lives and works in Galisteo, New Mexico, USA.


Title: The Long, the Short and the Tall: Tales of a New American
Published: August 25, 2023
Genre: Memoir

The long, the short and the tall, we all have them, stories accumulated over our lives. Elizabeth, an English transplant, recorded the fifty-two in this collection over the forty years she has spent in America. Some shocking, some sad, some to set you laughing, and others purely fantastical, each story triggered by a true event or impression, will give you a topic to think or laugh about.

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Title: When Cows Wore Shoes
Published: June 30, 2022
Genre: Memoir

Set in a mountain village in the Picos de Europa in Northern Spain during Generalissimo Franco’s time of fifty years ago, when cows really did wear shoes, and the village still used sledges to thresh corn, yokes and handcrafted tools and methods unknown today. Through stories and photographs of an English family, the book records a slow-paced way of life connected to the earth that had no use for machines or money, and its bumpy transition into the twentieth century.

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Title: The Perfect Servant…Nope
Published: Studio on 41 Press (2018)
Genre: Memoir

Golden years? What are those? Where is my damn deckchair? Caregiving, like my husband’s Parkinson’s Disease, is a retirement neither of us planned. Lacking the courage to vent my anger and frustration by hurling plates at a wall, I decided instead to write a weekly blog and save my china. Many months since that first angry outpouring, it’s clear the tone of my writing has changed…become calmer. Can it be I’m more contented now that I’ve better accepted my caregiving role? Hell, though it is, the intention of exposing our personal journey to the public eye is to show other desperate caregivers and their partners we, perhaps all of us, share many of the same struggles.

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Title: portraits: poems
Published: April 19, 2016
Genre: Poetry

This is a short collection of poems and artwork by E.P. Rose of Galisteo, New Mexico. Elizabeth Rose was born by the light of a Hurricane lamp in the Himalayan foothills. A Raj orphan shipped from India at age seven, she roamed the moors of an English home for children, where her imagination developed unschooled and uncensored. In 1986 she left England and now lives in Galisteo, New Mexico. She writes poetry for children and crafted a historical biography of her father titled Poet Under a Soldier’s Hat.

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Title: Ditty Dotty Ditties
Published: January 1, 2016
Genre: Children’s Verse

Penned daily at dawn on a Mexican beach, Elizabeth’s collection of verse opens up a world of language delightful to children of all ages and those who read to them. Loosely written children’s verse in English and Spanish.

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PoetUnderASoldiersHat72Title: Poet Under A Soldier’s Hat
Publisher: Studio on 41 Press (2015)
Genre: Historical Biography

Caught in two World Wars, pre-Mutiny skirmishes, and the Great Sepoy Rebellion, the true saga of lives not so “pukkha” as might be supposed. Hugh’s back-story exposes child marriage, an adulterous affair over many summers in a Himalayan Hill Station, illegitimate pregnancies and banishment to England. More a poet than a soldier, Hugh, a British Officer of the Raj, serves with the 3rd Queen Alexandra’s Own Gurkha Rifles in the Kyber Pass bordering the Northwest Frontier Afghanistan. Mountain trekking, skiing, gentlemen’s sports, bandits, tribal warlords, missionaries, ordinary men and ghosts are not enough. Bored, Hugh seconds to the Political and Foreign Service in Arabia, Persia, and Waziristan, until disgraced, he is “invited” to return to his regiment. A naked Colonel’s dictum “conformity kills” guides Hugh’s adventurous life. Partition frees both India and Hugh.

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