Blogging & Website Design

Websites are an effective and inexpensive way to communicate with your potential audience. The SWW members listed below have various talents in website design and blogging  and can help you develop an effective strategy for both or either.

Paul Blumer

Wix website designer and instructor.     Why am I holding this drill?  There’s an old axiom in advertising: Sell the 1/4″ hole, not the 1/4″ bit.  What it means is, people don’t buy things. People buy the life improvement that things bring.  Brand voice is how you tell the story of that better life.


Rob Spiegel

Blogging Advice    505-400-9487

Rob Spiegel is a career journalist who has also been widely published in fiction, poetry, and blogging. Rob is a senior editor at Design News, an international trade magazine, and he is the former owner of a book and magazine publisher, which he ran for 10 years. He has provided critique services on scores of manuscripts.