Carl Hitchens

Pen Name:



Articles, Essays, Fantasy, Memoir, Poetry, Other: History, Mythology, Social–political Commentary

Websites: Welcome Books


I am a poet, storyteller, essayist, and blogger. My publishing credits include the books: Our Planet (human development essay), Carl Hitchens–Drumtalk, March 2019; Thinning of the Veils (single-author poetry collection), Carl Hitchens–Drumtalk, June 2018; Shades of Light (single-author poetry collection), iUniverse 2013; and Sitting with Warrior (historical-memoir/myth), iUniverse 2010-13, and the contributed poem “Breath of Fire” (anthology, Meditations on Divine Names, Moonrise Press, 2012).


Title: Our Planet—Evolution of Consciousness
Publisher: Drum Talk/March 2019
Genre: Essay

Our Planet – Evolution of Consciousness: We are the human astronauts of Spaceship Earth, and—by Native American reckoning—Mother Earth’s children. We have more in common than not, and an equal stake in what happens on and to our planet.

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Apple Books

Title: Thinning of the Veils
Publisher: Drum Talk/June 2018
Genre: Poetry

Thinning of the Veils is a work of spiritual, socially-relevant poetry and memoir. Drawing on personal life experiences, the author weaves a spell of tactile-felt memories that have been instrumental in his growth in awareness. Intermingled with observational looks at patterns of human activity, its poems suggest correlations and differentness uncommonly entertained about conscious and unconscious states.

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Title: Sitting with Warrior
Publisher: iUniverse 2010, rev. 2013
Genre: Historical Memoir / Myth

As a Marine Corps veteran of an unpopular and divisive war, Carl Hitchens contends that Sitting with Warrior chronicles not only his journey, but America’s as well. By sitting and listening to Warrior’s wisdom, he has recovered a lost part of himself. This gives America hope for stepping out of the long shadow of Vietnam that today stretches over Iraq and Afghanistan. Hope that by sitting with Warrior and his unifying truth, America can heal her old wounds. Hope that she can draw from her pluralism and diversity unity rather than division—out of many, one.”

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Title: Shades of Light
Publisher: iUniverse 2013 | Carl Hitchens 2013
Genre: Poetry Collection

An effusive, creative rendering of personal life experience in self-discovery. Each poem is a reflection of awakening to and witnessing the blending of light and darkness. We are light leavened into solid form. We are shades of consciousness, shades of light.

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“A Time for Reason” ♦ Today & Yesterday Journal

“Breath of Fire”
Anthology: Meditations on Divine Names
Editor: Maja Trochimczyk
Publisher: Moonrise Press (2012)

Meditations on Divine Names is an anthology of contemporary poetry, featuring 140 poems by 64 poets associated with diverse spiritual traditions. Their poems represent: various branches of Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Kabbalah, Wicca, Sukyo Mahikari, and ancient Greek, Egyptian, Hawaiian, and Slavic religions. The book is divided into ten paired sections: Naming, Names, Earth, Water, Air, Fire, He, She, Being, and Loving. The editor, Maja Trochimczyk, is a poet, music historian, photographer and non-profit director. Born in Poland and educated in Poland and Canada, she published four books of music studies and three volumes of poetry. She describes herself as a Catholic mystic.

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Short Stories/Essays

Title: Holes in Our Hearts: An Anthology of New Mexican Military Related Stories and Poetry
Publisher: Independently published (May 29, 2023)

“Time Travel”

This collection of prose and poetry was gathered and created by SouthWest Writers and funded through a grant from the State of New Mexico Arts Agency. These stories were written and contributed by New Mexican Veterans, their family members and caregivers including: Rosa Armijo-Pemble, Joseph Badal, Rebecca Black, Steve Borbas, E. Joe Brown, Laurel Burnett, Sherri Burr, Ivan Calhoun, John J. Candelaria, Judy Castleberry, Brenda Cole, Brinn Colenda, Joshua Colenda, Mark Fleisher, Paul David Gonzales, Linda G. Harris, M. Elder Hays, A. Michael Hibner, Carl Hitchens, KE Hopkins, James Houston and Molly Houston, Carol Kreis, Caroline A. LeBlanc, Jacqueline Murray Loring, Butch Maki, Elaine Carson Montague, Sam Moorman, Evelyn Neil, Thomas Neiman, C.L. Nemeth, Paula Nixon, Harper O’Connor, Jeffrey Otis, Donna Pedace, W. Howard Plunkett, Léonie Rosenstiel, Earl W. Rugen, Lynne Sebastian, Barb Simmons, Ted Spitzmiller, Dale Swetnam, Jasmine Tritten, Jim Tritten, Lawrence Trujillo, Vicki Turpen, KL Wagoner, Regina Washington, Dan Wetmore, Ben White, Josephine White, J. Allen Whitt, Circe Olson Woessner, Norbert Wood, Kay Yoest.

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