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Eight SWW Members to Read at the South Broadway Cultural Center

SBCC Theatre

The theatre at South Broadway Cultural Center

Don’t miss SouthWest Writers’ debut event at the South Broadway Cultural Center (SBCC) on November 15 at 10:00 a.m. If you’ve never been there, you’re in for a real treat. The SBCC is assembling a fabulous citywide home for all things literary, and the gorgeous facility is absolutely first class.

Readers will perform onstage in the beautiful SBCC theatre, near a room where books will be available for purchase. There’s plenty of parking, too.

The gala event will be hosted by SWW Vice President, Peg Herrington, who will introduce each reader with a tale from his or her writing background.

Copeland Neeley reads the first chapter of his unpublished novel The Haunt at Hauntington Elementary. This kid-friendly mystery unfolds through a string of vignettes as each student in Mr. Morton’s class takes a turn in the spotlight.

Gayle Lauradunn reads from her freshly published debut poetry collection, Reaching for Air. She is working on a historical novel set in 18th Century Scotland.

Lucy St. Clair reads from the first volume of her paranormal Time Passages series, Scattered Years, to be published in late 2014. “My time travel trilogy leans heavily toward allegory,” she explains. “You might say it’s something of an autobiography in disguise.”

Don DeNoon’s humorous poem “Midnight on the Rio Grande” will be read by John Candelaria (as Don is recovering from Achilles tendon reattachment surgery).

Bobbi Adams reads “Happy Easter,” a hilarious short story taken from her memoir in-progress. It was published in The Storyteller’s Anthology: Presented by SouthWest Writers.

Joyce Hertzoff participated in the National Novel Writing program for the first time in 2008. She reads from her Kindle eBook The Crimson Orb, which was written for NaNoWriMo in 2010 and published in 2014. It’s a fantasy tinged with science.

John Candelaria’s poetry has been published in the OASIS Journal 2012 and 2013; Poetry from the Other Side, New Mexico State Poetry Society, Albuquerque Chapter; and SouthWest Writers’ The Storyteller’s Anthology. He reads “Albuquerque Rises,” celebrating the history of our city.

Jim Tritten reads “Two Old Soldiers,” from the Corrales Writing Group 2013 Anthology. It is particularly appropriate as it celebrates the end of World War I and Veterans Day.

Plan to attend! This Reading is the first event SouthWest Writers will sponsor at the SBCC. It could be a landmark, bragging-rights event. The South Broadway Cultural Center is located at 1025 Broadway Blvd SE, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87102, 505-848-1320.

Sell Your Books for FREE at the Balloon Museum Holiday Arts & Crafts Fair

acvb_BF_museumSouthWest Writers has reserved a table at the Balloon Museum Holiday Arts & Crafts Fair in Albuquerque on Sunday, November 16th. SWW members who want to sell their books at that table during 1.5 hour shifts at no charge must apply by email to VP Peg Herrington at as soon as possible.

The Storyteller’s Anthology will be sold from the center of the 6’ table. Spaces for ten SWW member authors, one at each end of the table, are available during 1.5 hour shifts: 9:00 to 10:30 a.m., 10:30 to noon, noon to 1:30 p.m., 1:30 to 3:00 p.m., and 3:00 to 4:30 p.m.

Entrance to the Balloon Museum and parking are FREE ONLY until 1:00 p.m.

Member authors wishing to participate must send an email to VP Peg Herrington ASAP stating the name(s) of the book(s) you will bring and your preferred 1.5 hour shift as stated above. Email deadline for requests is midnight, Monday, November 10th. Sooner is better.

Approved SWW member authors will receive email notification including their time slot. We cannot promise your preferred time will be available and names will be drawn should more than ten members apply. Join other SWW authors! We’ll have lots of fun!

Premiere SWW Author Reading at the South Broadway Cultural Center

SBCCYou’ll definitely hear more about SouthWest Writer’s exciting invitation from the South Broadway Cultural Center (SBCC) to help create a city-wide literacy center at that beautiful installation.

Celebrating that possibility, members are invited to participate in the Premiere SWW Author Reading at the SBCC on Saturday, November 15 at 10:00 a.m. There’s plenty of off-street parking behind the building, and entrance is free. Everyone is welcome to attend.

SWW members are invited to participate by reading their fiction, nonfiction or poetry, published or not, as long as it is family friendly. If you read from a published work, Bookworks will stock copies of it at the Reading, provided time permits. The Storyteller’s Anthology will be available as well.

Readings will be ten minutes maximum in length, limited to two poems by the same author. Please rehearse to make sure you won’t be hauled offstage by a large hook.

Apply to read at this event by sending an email to VP Peg Herrington at before midnight, Wednesday, November 5th. Please state the following in your message:

  • Your name
  • A brief bio (200 words maximum)
  • What type of family-friendly material you plan to read: fiction, nonfiction, poetry
  • Describe or name what you plan to read and give approximate word count. If published, include the ISBN
  • Any other pertinent information

All applicants will receive email responses stating whether or not they are accepted.

Plan to attend! This Reading is the first event SouthWest Writers will sponsor at the SBCC. It could be a landmark, bragging-rights event. The SBCC is located at 1025 Broadway Blvd SE, Albuquerque, NM 87102, 505-848-1320.