Gary Lucero

Pen Name:



Fantasy, Flash Fiction, Horror, Humor, Mystery, Paranormal, Poetry, Romance, Science Fiction, Short Stories, Suspense, Thriller, Other Fiction: Revenge


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I’m a poet, writer, software engineer, and an explorer of (virtual) worlds. I’m in my 60’s, love dogs, and have been crazy about technology since my early 20’s. I work fulltime, and have no immediate plans to retire, but I am trying to get my start as a professional writer.

I started writing poetry when I was 17, and while most of what I’ve written is terrible, I have penned a few decent poems. More recently I’ve started writing stories and I enjoy doing this because while it’s hellishly difficult, it’s easier than composing poetry.

More from Gary:

I’m dedicated to finding success and I’m working hard to finalize a book of dark poetry concerning the topics of life, death, war, and relationships. I am also finishing up a book of dark short stories. I hope to release both books on Amazon later this year. I have tried my hand at publishing before but have yet to find success.