Linda G. Harris

Pen Name:



Articles, Essays, Memoir, Other Non-fiction: New Mexico history, NM travel, agriculture,
water resources, libraries, public history

Amazon Author Page

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Instagram: linda.g.harris


I’m a long-time writer. I’ve held positions in publicity, public relations, public information, and as an information coordinator. I have worked as a news writer, a science writer, and an exhibit researcher/writer. I’ve written four books and have chapters in two more books. I worked for New Mexico State University for ten years then started a book publishing company featuring writers of southern New Mexico. I am retired and recently moved to Albuquerque after living in Las Cruces some forty years. I now write a bi-weekly column “Jump In” published through Substack.

More From Linda

Why I Write Nonfiction: I discovered early on in writing that I loved asking questions. Then I found that I had a knack for explaining things in a way that was interesting and easy to understand. I’ve managed to make a career of just that: explaining things.

Nonfiction Books

Title: Ghost Towns Alive: Trips to New Mexico’s Past
Publisher: University of New Mexico Press (2003)

The book covers some 70 ghost towns throughout the state. They range from truly dead mining towns to other towns too tough to die. Author Linda Harris gives each town its due in New Mexico’s rugged past. She sheds light on how some towns have reinvented themselves. Photographer Pamela Porter’s black-and-white images, plus historical photographs, add interest and historical perspective to each town.

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Title: One Book at a Time: The History of the Library in New Mexico
Publisher: New Mexico Library Foundation, Santa Fe (1998)

This book covers the history for hundreds of libraries in New Mexico from the storefront library to the research library. Nearly 100 photographs provide an architectural tour of library buildings and a personal look at those who have played a role in the state’s library history. Author Linda G. Harris writes with insight and admiration on this important but overlooked aspect of American History.

Available for Sale


Title: Las Cruces: An Illustrated History
Publisher: Arroyo Press, Las Cruces (1993)

Through careful research, author Linda G. Harris has threaded the pieces of history into a coherent and entertaining story. Pictorial researcher Tim Blevins’ selection of 100 illustrations adds visual dimension to the book. Also featured are the creative talents of area artists, photographers and poets.

Available for Sale


Contributing Author

Title: One Hundred Years of Water Wars in New Mexico, 1912-2012: A New Mexico Centennial History Series Book
Publisher: Sunstone Press (2012)
Editor: Catherine T. Ortega Klett

“Whose Water Is It, Anyway? Anatomy of the Water War Between El Paso, Texas and New Mexico”

Contributor Linda G. Harris writes a clear and concise account of the legal battle
between the city of El Paso and the state of New Mexico over access to groundwater underlying both areas.

Available for Sale


Title: Out of the Shadows: The Women of Southern New Mexico
Publisher: Rio Grande Books (2012)
Editor: Martha Shipman Andrew

“Bygone Days in the Black Range”

Linda G. Harris writes of women’s lives in the Black Range, a small mountain range hugging the Continental Divide. In the 1880s, the Black Range was the stronghold of Victorio, Nana, Cochise, and Geronimo. The coming of the railroad brought miners and their families to the area’s booming mining towns.

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