Patricia Walkow


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Articles, Biography, Essays, Historical Fiction, Memoir, Other Nonfiction: Project Management


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Patricia Walkow’s biographical novel, The War Within, The Story of Josef, was published in June, 2016. It is the inspiring story of a Polish teenager captured in Poland in 1939 and forced to spend World War II as a slave laborer in Nazi Germany. The story follows the teenager through his late twenties.

Pat has written two newspaper columns in the past. One was titled “Ask Teacher” in the Bethlehem Globe Times (Pennsylvania), and the other was titled “Dog’s Day Out” in the Glendale News Press (California). Some of the “Dog’s Day Out” columns were printed in localized Sunday editions of the Los Angeles Times. In addition, she co-authored a project management book, Where People and Projects Meet, and has written articles for Albuquerque, the Magazine, Corrales Comment, Corrales MainStreet News, as well as articles for a major corporation.

She was editor of Corrales MainStreet News for three years, co-editor of Corrales Writing Group 2013 Anthology, and editor of Currents: The Corrales Writing Group 2015 Anthology. She also has short stories in these anthologies and will have a new set of short stories published in Passages, the Corrales Writing Group’s 2016 anthology.

SWW Interiews

2016: The War Within, The Story of Josef
2020: New Mexico Remembers 9/11
2023: Life Lessons from the Color Yellow


Title: Alchemy’s Reach
Co-author: Chris Allen
Published: August 2023
Genre: Romance

Jennifer Murphy, deputy sheriff in a small town in New Mexico, has closed her heart to love. She throws herself into her job as well as running the ranch she and her brother, Ethan, inherited from their parents. Ethan’s wanderlust has taken him away in search of odd jobs. When he returns home, Jennifer entices him to stay for a while by telling him about Alchemy, a ghost town, once drowned by a reservoir, but now exposed by drought. Local barflies think there is treasure buried there. Others believe it is cursed. Intrigued, Ethan packs up his dog, Fi, and heads to the town. What happens at Alchemy will change Jen’s life forever, but will it open her heart to love?

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Title: Life Lessons from the Color Yellow
Published: February 2023
Genre: Memoir

Life Lessons from the Color Yellow is a memoir of events and people who influenced the author’s life. As the author was writing this collection of stories, the color yellow emerged as an important element, much to her surprise. The tales recall watershed moments, pivotal events, and memorable people. It is an unusual memoir in that it does not follow a long arc of life events, but rather, highlights only the important ones…the ones that left an impression and taught her something of value. The lessons she learned from the color yellow came from various sources: an elderly gardener, a dog standing beside a yellow wall, her mother’s kitchen, an estate sale, a woman who always wore yellow, and so much more. From betrayal to love, from heartbreak to happiness, from memoir to essay, yellow is there.

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Anthology: New Mexico Remembers 9/11
Curator, Editor, and Contributor
Publisher: Artemesia Publishing (October 13, 2020)
Genre: Historical Essays

New Mexico was far from 9/11′ s carnage, but its heart was just next door. In story and verse, New Mexico authors reflect on that day. New Mexico Remembers 9/11 offers enlightening, sometimes heart-wrenching prose, thoughtful analysis, and evocative poetry about the terrorist attacks. What did the contributors see or tell their children? How did they get home? This anthology captures the September 11th experiences of New Mexico writers. Some witnessed the event. Some were still in school, or out of the country. All of them now live in The Land of Enchantment, the state snuggled between Texas and Arizona.

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The War Within150Title: The War Within, The Story of Josef
Publisher: Patricia Walkow/2016
Genre: Historical Fiction

The War Within, the Story of Josef is a biographical novel of Josef, a teenage Christian Polish slave laborer forced to work in Nazi Germany during World War II.

At the outset of the story, Josef awakens after his left leg is amputated due to an accident in the factory where he worked in Southern Germany. A talented mechanic, even at his young age, Josef has a natural ability to understand, repair and fabricate machinery. Because of his usefulness, his life is spared, although slave laborers are normally considered expendable, and when injured are summarily executed. German citizens are prohibited from helping slave laborers. Yet, Willie, a German ambulance driver only a few years older than Josef, saves Josef’s life by taking him to the hospital and allowing him to recuperate in his own home.

This story offers a window into the ways some Germans broke the rules to help their declared enemies. It offers the reader a view into the lives of ordinary people through the last two years of World War II, Allied occupation, near-starvation, and the agonizing decision to leave Europe and settle in a new land.

The War Within, the Story of Josef won 1st place in Biography, 2017 New Mexico Press Women Communications Contest and 1st place in Historical Biography, 2017 National Indie Press Awards. It is listed as a recommended read by Military Writers Society of the United States.

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Title: Woven Pathways: The 2023 SouthWest Writers Winners Anthology
Publisher: Independently published (September 6, 2023)

“The Contemporary Car”
♦ 1st Place: Non-fiction Memoir, General

SouthWest Writers has released a new collection of award winning prose and poetry highlighting the talents of both experienced and novice wordsmiths. This delightful anthology weaves together diverse genres and viewpoints to bring you an eclectic mix of humor, pathos, and intrigue. These pieces were all winners in the 2023 SWW annual writing contest. This year’s contest includes writing categories in both prose and poetry, fiction and nonfiction, spanning the gamut from opening pages of novels to flash fiction to memoirs. The Annual Writing Contest allows both new and seasoned writers to sharpen their skills by taking them out of their comfort zone. We the members of SouthWest Writers hope you enjoy this year’s anthology of contest finalists — after all, you the reader are the reason we write!

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Anthology: Kale is a Four Letter Word
♦ Co-editor, Contributor
Publisher: Artemesia Publishing, LLC (September 1, 2020)

“The Kale Virgin”
“Kale Farewell” ♦ with Chris Allen

Kale has invaded our culture as the go-to food for healthy living, appearing everywhere on restaurant menus, in grocery stores, and beauty products like soaps and scrubs. It’s in salads and sandwiches, on pizzas, in soups and stews, and even salted as chips. For many, it shouts, “Eat me. I’m good for you.” For others, the vitamin load and beneficial fiber cannot outweigh the bitterness and texture of this member of the cabbage family. For those people, kale has ignited a passionate response, often reflected in internet memes and T-shirt slogans. This collection of short stories shows kale in a new light. Some stories present the perspective of those who introduce kale to their spouses and the reaction of those who are so targeted. A couple of tales are horror stories about kale’s effect on a life; another one describes a speculative history of kale; one is a murder mystery where kale plays an unusual role; and one is a fantasy about kale’s rivalry with another popular, competing vegetable, cauliflower. This book also has delicious recipes that feature kale as the primary ingredient. A word of caution, though. One recipe was written by someone with a novel approach to cooking kale.

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Anthology: Passages: A Corrales Writing Group Anthology
Publisher: CreateSpace (2017)

“The Christmas Letter”
“The Far Moist End of the Earth-Reverend Jefferson”
“No Laughing Matter”
“Our 9/11 Story” ♦ with Walter Walkow
“The View from the Office”
“The Zero Percent Raise”

Passages is the fourth anthology from the Corrales Writing Group. It contains not only humor, fiction, essay, and memoir but the creative work of nineteen artists from the Corrales area. Passages contains all interior artwork in glorious color.

Available for Sale


Currents Corrales Writing Group 2015 Anthology150Anthology:
Currents: Corrales Writing Group 2015 Anthology
♦ Editor, Contributor
Publisher: CreateSpace (2015)

“A Cross to Bear”
“How About Some Honesty?”
“The Far Moist End of the Earth”
“The Lady on the Landing”

Currents is an anthology of work from the Corrales Writing Group for the year 2015. It includes humor, fiction, essays and memoir.

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Barnes & Noble

CorralesWritingGroupAnthologyAnthology: Corrales Writing Group 2014 Anthology
Publisher: CreateSpace (2014)

“Love’s Assassin”
“It Sounded Like a Good Idea”
“Reflections on a Pond”

This anthology is a compilation of work written by members of the Corrales Writing Group, located in central New Mexico. It includes memoirs, humor, philosophy, fantasy, poignancy, whimsy and fiction that will make the reader laugh, cry, smile, and reminisce. Topics range from romance, to travel, multiple types of aviation, jokes, the meaning of life, sailing, village life, close encounters with wild animals, a burial, an automobile accident, a bedtime and a children’s story.

Available for Sale

Barnes & Noble

CorralesWritingGroup2013Anthology150Anthology: Corrales Writing Group 2013 Anthology
♦ Co-editor, Contributor
Publisher: CreateSpace (2013)

“The Aristocrat”
“The War Within, the Story of Josef” ♦ Book Excerpt

This anthology is a compilation of work written by members of the Corrales Writing Group, located in central New Mexico. It includes memoirs, essays, poetry and fiction that will make the reader laugh, cry, smile and reminisce. Topics range from war, to marriage, to love, to wonder of the universe.

Available for Sale

Barnes & Noble

Where-People-Cover-Image150Title: Where People and Projects Meet
♦ Co-author: Mariette Keshishian
Publisher: Keshishian & Walkow (2010)
Genre: Business Book

People….they can make a project successful, or they can make it a certain failure, without intentionally trying to do either. Here are tools and techniques for understanding and managing the people side of projects.

Available for Sale

Barnes & Noble

Articles/Essays/Short Stories

“It Sounded Like a Good Idea” ♦ Sonderers Magazine / Adventure Issue, July/August 2017
“The Lady on the Landing” ♦ Down in the Dirt Magazine, Anthology: Hands that Hurt / May 2017
“The Impossibility of Buying Light Bulbs” ♦ Talking Soup / May 2017
“It’s a Lot of Work being God” ♦ Sonderers Magazine / Nature Issue, May 2017
“The View from the Office” ♦ Lemon Quarterly / Work Issue, April 2017
“Now, I Can Laugh” ♦ Quail Bell Review / March 2017
“Reunion” ♦ Collaborative romance story with Sandi Hoover and Tom Neiman ♦ Criterion: an International Journal in English / February 2017
“RailRunner Romance” ♦ Collaborative romance story with Tom Neiman and Chris Allen ♦ Criterion: an International Journal in English / February 2017
“How Long Have you Lived in New Mexico?” ♦ Prime Time / August 2016
“Seniors Form Writing Group and Produce Award-Winning Anthologies” ♦ Prime Time / June 2016
“Only in NM” ♦ Joint article by Corrales Writing Group ♦ New Mexico Magazine / December 2015
“It’s Just Down the Street” ♦ Albuquerque, the Magazine / February 2012
“Pet Perfect” ♦ Albuquerque, the Magazine / September 2011
“Near & Dear” ♦ Albuquerque, the Magazine / February 2011
“Never Take a Tamale for Granted” ♦ Corrales MainStreet News / Winter 2010
“Jane Butel’s Corrales Kitchen now Classroom” ♦ Corrales Comment, Vol. XXIX / August 5, 2010
“Corrales’ Innovative Schools of the Past 1960s-1980s” ♦ Corrales MainStreet News / Summer 2009
“Building in Harmony” ♦ Corrales MainStreet News / Spring 2009
“Listening to the Call” ♦ Corrales MainStreet News / Spring 2009
“Composers of Frozen Music” ♦ Corrales MainStreet News / Winter 2008
“Sidewalks of Corrales” ♦ Corrales MainStreet News / Winter 2008
“The Welcoming Gates of Corrales” ♦ Corrales MainStreet News / Winter 2008
“Artists of a Different Stroke” ♦ Corrales MainStreet News / Fall 2008
“Railroad History is Alive & Well in Corrales” ♦ Corrales MainStreet News / Summer 2008
“Rites of Spring in Corrales” ♦ Corrales MainStreet News / Spring 2008
“Corrales Historic Buildings Home to Ghostly Residents” ♦ Corrales MainStreet News / Winter 2007
“Find Ways to Live with Coyotes” ♦ Corrales Comment, Vol. XX, No.1 / February 25, 2001