Professional Directory

The SouthWest Writers Professional Directory

This Directory lists people who provide services related to the art and business of writing. SouthWest Writers (SWW) does not guarantee the quality of work or the integrity of anyone listed, nor does it recommend any individual or company over another.

If you would like to be listed in the Directory, complete and submit this form. Questions? Contact us at


The Directory is divided into categories. Click on a category for more information and to access the listings.

Art and Graphics includes Artists, Illustrators, Photographers, and Graphic Designers.

Blogging and Website designs includes those who can offer guidance on how to develop and maintain a successful blog or website.

Coaching and Mentoring includes those who can offer general writing advice as well as consult on specific concerns, such as issues with poetry, memoir, or nonfiction.

Editing, Proofreading, and Critiques includes various levels of editing assistance from spelling and grammar checks to full-blown manuscript critiques.

Publishing covers the gamut of choices facing today’s authors from traditional publishing options to self-publishing and everything in between. It also includes listings for manuscript layout and formatting assistance for print and digital versions of single page documents to full-length books.

Speakers and Presenters are available to do presentations on topics related to the craft of writing and how to become a published author.

Writing Professionals for Hire lists people available for freelance assignments or contract work. It includes technical writers, ghost writers, journalists, web content developers, authors of blog posts and magazine articles, script writers, songwriters, and poets. This section also includes freelance researchers.