Sage Challenge

We’ve refreshed the old SWW newsletter, but the monthly Sage Writing Challenge open to SWW members remains in place. Scroll down for links to the results of the new challenges.



Write a poem in any style about anything. We’d like to see how you can cleverly compose words and phrases so the reader laughs, cries, sighs, growls, jumps in surprise, or feels wonderment.
Show the world you truly are a poet in 800 words or less!

Read the following before submitting:

  • You must be an active SWW member to participate.
  • Payment is in bylines and clips.
  • Deadline is the 20th of the month prior to the next issue.
  • SAGE Challenges will vary from month to month, and differ as to subject and word count requirements.
  • Submissions may be edited for accuracy, readability and length. Submissions must be tasteful; free from profanity, explicit sex or violence, political commentary, etc.
  • Send all submissions as either standard text in an email or in a Word document in 12 pt. size. Single spaced. Do not get fancy with formatting or fonts. To ensure proper author credit, your name or pen name must appear within the document you submit. Submissions with no name will not be considered.
  • Polish your work. Submissions should be professional in appearance and quality of writing, fully edited and ready for publication.
  • By submitting your work to SWW it is assumed that the author has given SWW permission to publish it on this website and in future publications.
  • The publication of entries submitted is subject to the discretion of the SWW editorial staff.

Send submissions in .doc, .docx, or .txt file format with “Sage Challenge” in the subject line to

Sage Challenge Results: