These members are available to speak to your group or organization about their areas of expertise or to discuss topics related to writing and publishing. Some also offer workshops, retreats and programs for students of various ages. Members may also be available to participate in book fairs and other literary events.
Dr. Joanne S. Bodin
Jugband Enterprises
Available for speaking engagements and presentations on the craft of writing, writing conventions, poetic narrative, as well as workshops for small groups on topics of their choice related to writing.
Susan Cooper
Cooper Creations, Inc.
Dr. Susan Cooper has worked on her public speaking skills since 1983, when she joined Toastmasters. She speaks about such widely diverse topics as mold, environmental regulations, football, and publishing. She and her husband Randy are writing books and developing keynote addresses about how they grew their love after the wedding.
Loretta Hall
Loretta offers presentations on “Writing for Special Interest Magazines” and “Crafting a Nonfiction Book Proposal.” She has written for magazines for 30 years and has had eight nonfiction books published since 2004. She has received awards for her writing (articles and books) and public speaking.
Rose Marie Kern
RMK Publications, LLC.
Rose Marie Kern has lectured for universities, civic groups, and book clubs. Her subjects include: Copywriting, Preparing for Fame: Appearing on TV/Radio, Formatting Books with Microsoft Word, Success with Self Publishing, Writing for Magazines, and Finding Your Niche Market. Rose has authored 5 books and over 1,000 magazine articles and is President Emeritus of SouthWest Writers.
Larada Horner-Miller
Horner Publishing Company
Retired English/Computer teacher of 27 years. Trained speaker and facilitator for adult learners. Has presented successful workshop locally and at National Writing Conference. Willing to speak on any aspect writing. Has self-published 4 books and three cookbooks and gathered resources over the years to support self-publishing.
RJ Mirabal
RJ taught high school English, speech, and drama for 39 years and has published four fiction books in the last seven years. He can Coach and Mentor new writers. From what he’s learned from his mistakes, RJ can help one avoid most major missteps when beginning the writer’s journey.
Marcia Rosen (M.Glenda Rosen)
Marcia Rosen is award winning author of eleven books including her newest one, An Agatha, Raymond, Sherlock and Me Mystery: Murder at the Zoo, plus The Senior Sleuths and Dying To Be Beautiful Mystery Series and The Gourmet Gangster: Mysteries and Menus (Menus by her
son Jory Rosen). She is also author of The Woman’s Business Therapist and My Memoir Workbook. For 25 years she was the owner of a successful national marketing agency, Topics she has taught and presented over the past twenty years include: Encouraging the Writer
Within You, Marketing for Authors, Writing Your Memoir and Murders Have Their Place, Hearing Voices of Past Famous Detectives. Many articles on these topics have been published. She is a member of Sisters in Crime, Southwest Writers, N.M. Book Association, Women
Writing the West, Public Safety Writer’s Association and National Association of Independent Writers and Editors.
Lisa C. Taylor, MFA
Whitewater Writing
(860) 377-1008
Lisa C. Taylor is an award-winning author of four poetry collections, and two collections of short fiction. Another poetry collection is forthcoming. A former professor of creative writing, Lisa offers workshops and retreats in poetry, fiction, creative thinking, and hybrid writing. She also enjoys collaborating with other writers and artists.