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Author Update: Lynn Ellen Doxon

Lynn Ellen Doxon had authored over a thousand newspaper and magazine articles, three nonfiction books, and a children’s book before she branched into historical fiction in 2022 with the publication of the first World War II novel in her Becoming the Greatest Generation series. Book two in that series, and her newest release, is The Moonlight Cavalry (Artemesia Publishing, April 2024). You’ll find Lynn on her website and her Amazon author page. For more about her work, read her 2023 interview for SouthWest Writers.

The Moonlight Cavalry is the second book in your Becoming the Greatest Generation series. Can you give readers a little background on this new book?
In the first book, Ninety Day Wonder, schoolteacher Eugene Sinclair is drafted against his will as war rages in Europe but before the US is involved. Following boot camp he is trained for the Coastal Artillery and sent to the shores of Puget Sound. He feels his calling is in medicine and manages to get additional training as a pharmacist. His pharmacy training is completed on December 5, 1941.

After the Pearl Harbor attack, he is almost immediately reassigned to anti-aircraft artillery and sent to Camp Davis in North Carolina for Officers Training School. On his way there he meets Sarah Gale, a young woman who works in the camp laundry. Ninety days later he is commissioned as an officer and deeply involved with Sarah Gale.

Following further training in Texas (and New Mexico since Fort Bliss extended all the way to what is now White Sands) and Florida, where Sarah Gale is now stationed as a WAC and they become engaged, he was sent to the Pacific, where he is separated from his battery.

In The Moonlight Cavalry, Gene leads a replacement platoon to the island where his unit will soon arrive, then rejoins the unit as they follow the 24th Infantry around New Guinea and the Philippines. Along the way they experience pitched battles, battle fatigue, friendly fire and the biggest killer in the Pacific, tropical diseases. Gene contracts malaria and is plagued by hallucinations of his fifth great grandfather’s experience in the Revolutionary War.

What drew you to the historical fiction genre?
I discovered historical fiction in elementary school, and it quickly became my favorite genre. In high school I waded through several Michener novels and read War and Peace.  I was a voracious reader all my life and read The Thorn Birds (which isn’t historical fiction) in one sitting when it first came out. When I decided to start writing full time, historical fiction seemed the natural choice.

Were there any scenes you found difficult to write? How did you move past that?
As the relationship developed between Sarah Gale and Gene, I had to consider how to write intimate scenes between them. Since this is a 1940’s novel I went with the suggestive level of many 1940’s movies, but I still am not sure those scenes are as engaging as they could be.

What is the most difficult aspect of writing historical fiction?
There is a lot of research involved in writing historical fiction and the temptation is to try to include all you have learned. I quickly figured out that my long descriptions were not as engaging as Michener’s. They sounded more like the academic writing I did on the way to getting my MS and PhD. I tried to remove everything that did not contribute to the story.

Also, this story takes place recently enough that there are some people who remember it and more who can say “that’s not what my dad told me.” Sometimes I could not find research on details I wanted to include so I just made things up. It is fiction, but the historical details still need to be accurate, or somebody will call you on it.

When writing a series, what is it that keeps readers coming back for more?
Each book has to be a complete story but still have some unanswered questions to draw the reader to the next book. Of course, everyone knows how the war comes out, but how does Gene fare for the remainder of the conflict? It is also important to have characters people love. I hope I have made Gene and Sarah Gale into characters that people want to know.

How much involvement did you have regarding the book’s cover design?
I sent the editor several suggestions and he sent back something that was much better.

What is your elevator pitch for The Moonlight Cavalry?
The Moonlight Cavalry is the story of a searchlight battery of antiaircraft artillery, told by their executive officer, island hopping across the Pacific during World War II.

Authors are faced with handling much of their own exposure when it comes to media and marketing. How do you balance your writing career with the business of being a writer?
My daughter and I just started a digital marketing company. In that process I have learned a lot about effective websites and social media marketing. The problem is I simply don’t have time for everything, and things aren’t too well balanced at the moment.

What part do critique groups play in your writing process?
I find the critiques of other writers to be very important. I belong to a critique group that has made several suggestions that I believe will make the third book much better. I believe critique groups and beta readers are extremely important in the writing process.

When can readers expect to see book three in your Becoming the Greatest Generation series?
Life is pretty hectic right now. I am hoping to have a publication date in November 2025.

Su Lierz writes dark fiction, short story fiction, and personal essays. Her short story “Twelve Days in April,” written under the pen name Laney Payne, appeared in the 2018 SouthWest Writers Sage Anthology. Su was a finalist in the 2017 and 2018 Albuquerque Museum Authors Festival Writing Contest. She lives in Corrales, New Mexico, with her husband Dennis.

An Interview with Author Lynn Ellen Doxon

In September 2022, nonfiction author Lynn Ellen Doxon branched into historical fiction with her debut novel, Ninety Day Wonder (Becoming the Greatest Generation, Book 1), released by Artemesia Publishing. You’ll find Lynn on and her Amazon author page.

Tell us about the book Ninety Day Wonder. What were the origins of the story?
Ninety Day Wonder is the story of a Kansas schoolteacher who was drafted in June of 1941. He had just been accepted into medical school, fulfilling a lifelong dream, when the draft notice came. After basic training, he trained for a position in the coastal artillery and was posted to Fort Worden on Puget Sound. While there he wrangled an opportunity to become a pharmacist, furthering his interest in a medical career. The weekend after he finished that training the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor. The Army, in immediate need of officers, sends him to OCS, where, in 90 days, he becomes an antiaircraft artillery officer,

The story is based on my father’s experience in World War II. There are a few things in the book that didn’t happen to him — for example, meeting Sarah Gale while at OCS and falling in love, but some of the most surprising things did actually happen to him.

Who are your main characters, and did they surprise you as you wrote their story?
The main character and narrator is Eugene Sinclair. Other characters include Tom Morris, a friend from Kansas who goes off to pilot school as Gene goes to OCS, and Joseph Zook, a 16-year-old Mennonite who runs away from home to join the Army. Captain Henderson is the CO of the AAA Battery, for whom Eugene becomes executive officer, and Lieutenants Brasseux, Carson, Douglas, Edelstein, Sessions, Tilton, and Wright are officers of the battery during at least part of the book. And of course, Sarah Gale Simmons, a young civilian employee of the OCS base. In the original story arc, Sarah Gale would not even be in the third book of the trilogy, but through her letters to Gene and her adventures as she joins the newly formed WAACs, she takes over the book and becomes the favorite character of many readers. When I finish Gene’s trilogy, Sarah Gale will get a book of her own.

Can you give readers a glimpse into the main settings of your novel?
The novel follows Gene from a small town in central Kansas to basic training at Camp Callan (now the Scripps Institute and Torrey Pines Golf course), to Fort Worden on Puget Sound, to Camp Davis on the southern coast of North Carolina, to Fort Bliss (which at the time also included the White Sands missile range), to the Orlando Air Base in Florida and finally, to Jungle Warfare training in Australia. While each is an army base, some are new, some old, and some not even fully formed when Gene arrives.

What are some obstacles you faced while writing Ninety Day Wonder?
I have written three non-fiction books, hundreds of online, print magazine, and newspaper articles, and scientific publications, but this is my first novel. Novels are MUCH harder than anything else I have written. I researched the period, the equipment, the Army, the bases extensively, then had to write the story so that it did not sound like a report on the research. The learning curve was pretty steep, the time in process almost five years, but I finally finished and got it published.

What sort of decisions did you make about including historical figures and events while crafting your novel?
Events are historically accurate. For officers of the rank of colonel and above, I used real names in most cases. I debated how realistic to the Army of the 1940s to make the dialogue. I ended up using words like Jap, Negro, and damn, but avoided the more offensive pejoratives and expletives for the most part.

Was there anything surprising you discovered while doing research for this book?
I was surprised to learn that my father was trained as a pharmacist. I had always assumed his knowledge of medicines came from the fact that he was a chemistry and biology teacher. I also learned that the attitude of the majority of Americans was that we should stay out of the war right up until the Pearl Harbor attack. I discovered that there was a radar in Hawaii that detected the Japanese planes coming in, but the lieutenant those radar operators reported the sighting to thought it was a squadron of American planes that were expected that day and did not pass the report along. I had also been unaware of the frequent Japanese bombing raids on Darwin and other parts of Australia.

What was the most rewarding aspect of putting this project together?
My father spoke very little about his experience in the war, and I think the most rewarding part was learning what he did. This first book follows his experience pretty closely, although I departed from the actual timeline in the second half. The next two books are not so close to his actual experience, but his experiences gave me a strong basis for the story.  Simply having the book published and out there is also very rewarding.

When can your readers expect book two?
I had about 240,000 words down on paper and my publisher told me it could not be one novel, so it became a series at that point. I do not feel I did as good a job as I could have at making a suitable ending for the first book, but I made it into three books. I promise a better ending in book two, which will come out in April 2024.

You said you started writing at a young age. At what point in your writing life did you finally consider yourself a writer?
I started telling stories at the age of 3 or 4 and started writing them down in second grade. I came in second in my first writing contest at the age of 18 (and have come in second in numerous others since then — never first). The local newspaper editor published my letters home (slightly edited to remove personal comments) when I traveled around the world on World Campus Afloat at the age of 20. My first book was published in 1980. I wrote a newspaper column called “Yard and Garden” for the Albuquerque Journal for 15 years, and numerous other articles in my position as Urban Horticulture Specialist with the New Mexico Cooperative Extension Service, but all of this was incidental to other jobs and I didn’t consider myself primarily a writer. Early in my retirement, I was making about $1000 a month writing online articles, but I still didn’t consider myself a writer. I didn’t really consider myself a writer until I was deep into the first draft of Ninety Day Wonder (my fourth book) and joined SouthWest Writers. I was surprised to learn that there were other people who considered themselves writers who had much less writing experience than me.

What are you most happy with, and what do you struggle with most, in your writing?
I can tell a good story and hold people’s interest. The plot and characters come easy to me. I am almost never at a loss for words and can quickly get lots of them down on paper. I have the most trouble with writing highly emotional action scenes. Because of my beginning as a scientific and educational writer, I use long sentences, too much passive voice, and excessive description. I have to go back and edit several times before I am satisfied, and Lee Child still beats me hands down every time. I am considering making Sarah Gale’s book a thriller just to challenge myself.

Writers can sometimes get bogged down with writing rules. Do rules ever affect your creativity?
I don’t pay too much attention to writing rules. That was a problem for editors when I wrote the Yard and Garden column. Having read voraciously for almost 70 years, I have internalized many of the rules but I don’t let them get in the way of creativity.

Su Lierz writes dark fiction, short story fiction, and personal essays. Her short story “Twelve Days in April,” written under the pen name Laney Payne, appeared in the 2018 SouthWest Writers Sage Anthology. Su was a finalist in the 2017 and 2018 Albuquerque Museum Authors Festival Writing Contest. She lives in Corrales, New Mexico, with her husband Dennis.

2022 New Releases for SWW Authors #3

Joseph Badal, Fil A. Chavez, Charlene Bell Dietz, Lynn Ellen Doxon, and Katayoun Medhat represent the diverse membership of SouthWest Writers (SWW) with books published in a variety of genres in 2022. Their new releases couldn’t fit in this year’s interview schedule, but look for 2023 interviews or updates for many of these authors.

A list of interviewed SWW authors with 2022 releases is included at the end of this post.

Everything to Lose (Lassiter/Martinez Case Files Book 4, Suspense Publishing, September 2022) by Joseph Badal. The thriller pits New Mexico homicide detectives Barbara Lassiter and Susan Martinez against a duo of mass murderers terrorizing Albuquerque, New Mexico…and then their arch-nemesis, Lisa French, targets the detectives for murder. Inspired by actual events, Everything to Lose is an edge-of-the-seat thriller built on a foundation of characters from previous books in the series, including Lisa French, a psychopathic murderer in her own right.

For all of Joe’s books, go to his Amazon author page.

Unused Towels (August 2022) by Fil A. Chavez. The book reveals how one person was guided by God to share why life is worth staying alive. A collection of refreshingly honest, real-life stories, Unused Towels describes inspiring, thought-provoking incidents in the author’s life…some will bring laughter, some will evoke tears, others will elicit deep thinking. Some of the narratives in this book touch on deeply serious topics since one focus of the book is to shed light on suicidal depression. The author offers encouraging thoughts from his own personal experience, especially to those who have lost a loved one to suicide. The book contains humorous, uplifting, and entertaining stories that emphasize how great and loving God is.

You’ll find Unused Towels on Amazon.

The Spinster, the Rebel, and the Governor: Margaret Brent Pre-Colonial Maryland 1638-1648 (Quill Mark Press, September 2022) by Charlene Bell Dietz. Move over Susan B. Anthony. There’s an unsung woman asking for the vote 224 years before you. In 1638, Lady Margaret Brent, Catholic spinster in Protestant England, headstrong and subversive, teaches Catholic women reading, mathematics, and Latin. If the king’s men uncover her seditious deeds, she’ll face the gallows. Margaret Brent flees to the New World where she transitions from a privileged life to one of privations. There she faces the truth of life in Maryland and determines to fight injustice by being a voice in court for others. The American Bar Association each year honors five deserving women attorneys with their prestigious Margaret Brent Award.

Visit Charlene on her website at The Spinster, the Rebel, and the Governor is available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Bookshop.

Ninety Day Wonder (Becoming the Greatest Generation Book 1, Artemesia Publishing, September 2022) by Lynn Ellen Doxon. Gene Sinclair’s life’s goal was to become a medical doctor, to get away from the tedium of teaching high school chemistry. But as World War II looms, Sinclair is drafted and sent to the ninety-day Officer’s Training School. Commissioned as an antiaircraft artillery officer, Sinclair struggles to come to grips with his duty as an officer and to Sarah Gale, the new love of his life, as she joins the WAACs. The war separates the young lovers when Sinclair’s unit is shipped to Australia. There he continues training to fight the Japanese and adapt to the challenges of jungle warfare. Sent for specialized training in Darwin, Sinclair experiences the harsh reality of war during a Japanese air raid on the city.

Ninety Day Wonder is for sale on Amazon. Go to Lynn’s author page at Artemesia Publishing for links to other retailers.

Flyover Country (Leapfrog Press, September 2022) by Katayoun Medhat. The Mesa, eyrie of the ancient Pueblan ancestors, casts its shadow over small-town Milagro, where old-time ranchers and thrusting incomers converge in the common cause of profiteering from the land. Charged with mediating a seemingly innocuous dispute about a slain miniature horse, K is caught in the titanic, merciless clash between Old and New West. To make matters worse, Robbie Begay may be turning from friend to foe commodifying sacred traditions for the benefit of cultural tourism. As his heroes morph into villains and his villains stay villains, K’s customary position between a rock and a hard place suddenly becomes much more precarious.

You’ll find Katayoun on her website at Look for Flyover Country at Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

SWW Author Interviews: 2022 Releases

E. Joe Brown
A Cowboy’s Destiny (Artemesia Publishing, August 2022)

Chuck Greaves
The Chimera Club (Tallow Lane Books, May 2022)

Melody Groves
Trail to Tin Town (Five Star Publishing, June 2022)
Before Billy the Kid: The Boy Behind the Legendary Outlaw (Two Dot Publishing, August 2022)

Joyce Hertzoff
Winds of Change (August 2022)

Ed Lehner
Grandpa’s Horse and Other Tales (AIA Publishing, March 2022)

Cassie Sanchez
Embracing the Darkness (October 2022)

Avraham “Avi” Shama
Cyberwars — David Knight Goes To Moscow (3rd Coast Books, May 2022)

KLWagoner150_2KL Wagoner (writing as Cate Macabe) is the author of This New Mountain: a memoir of AJ Jackson, private investigator, repossessor, and grandmother. Kat posts to a speculative fiction blog at and writes about memoir at