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2022 New Releases for SWW Authors #4

Rachel Bate, Barbara J. Genovese, Larry Kilham, Tammy Lough, and Kathy Louise Schuit represent the diverse membership of SouthWest Writers (SWW) with books published in a variety of genres in 2022. Their new releases couldn’t fit in this year’s interview schedule, but look for 2023 interviews or updates for many of these authors.

A list of interviewed SWW authors with 2022 releases is included at the end of this post.

Tierra Day (Mascot Kids, October 2022) by Rachel Bate. Litter is everywhere! What can Tierra and her critter friends do to help solve this problem? Find out what glorious solution Eli Eagle shares with his friends about all the pollution! Tierra Day, as with all of Rachel’s books, inspires children to collaborate with nature and each other with respect, compassion, and kindness. She collaborated with the illustrator (her sister Rebecca Jacob) to create engaging, colorful pictures that coincide beautifully with the story.

Look for all of Rachel’s books on Amazon. For links to other retailers, go to her author page on SouthWest Writers.

George Leaves the Lights ON: the importance of being earnest about conservation (November 2022) by Barbara J. Genovese. George leaves lights on wherever he goes. His parents worry that he’ll blow power grids up and down both Coasts. Maybe to even Madrid and Bombay and far Timbuktu! As the electric bills rise, George’s Mom begins to have terrible dreams. From nightmares of what life would be like without light, she comes up with ideas for conservation. As do her other children. But George keeps leaving the lights on. Until the day he turns 12. On that day George finally figures out which light it’s important to leave ON.

You’ll find George Leaves the Lights ON on Amazon.

Curiosity & Hope: Explorations for a Better World (December 2022) by Larry Kilham. Larry shares his adventures in industrializing Saudi Arabia, multimedia publishing, tracking Russian submarines, planning new towns, selling machinery in Latin America, and founding two high-tech companies. His boyhood curiosity in electronics began a process of discovery and education that led to a remarkable and happy life. New generations may gain insights from his experience, particularly if they are oriented towards new discovery, technology, and ecology. There is plenty of interest here for parents and educators. The story is told in an easy style as a continuous adventure and is illustrated with many photos.

Visit Larry on his website at and go to his Amazon author page for all of his books.

Lacey’s Lessons of Love (For the Love of Lacey Book 1, Cottage Porch Books, September 2022) by Tammy Lough. Will Lacey fancy the muscle-ripped cowboy of her dreams more than hot possum stew on a frigid winter night? Will Brandon’s seductive lips meet up with the object of his desire? The year is 1873 and the Wild Wild West is wide open … the ideal setting for the hellcat tomboy, Lacey Autumn Kendall, who doesn’t want no stinking man. At least yet. Sparks fly when Brandon Lee Chandler meets Lacey — the two are oil and vinegar swirling in a dizzying sizzle of sexual tension. Get ready to devour mayhem in this delightful romp that unfolds in book one of For the Love of Lacey series.

Learn more about Tammy on her website at Find all of her books on her Amazon author page.

Dance Cat (October 2022), words and pictures by Kathy Louise Schuit.

At the BEST Dance School, everyday, we dance our best in every way. Because we have practiced doing our best, we’re always ready for what happens NEXT!

You’ll find Kathy on her website at Dance Cat is available on Amazon.

SWW Author Interviews: 2022 Releases

E. Joe Brown
A Cowboy’s Destiny (Artemesia Publishing, August 2022)

Chuck Greaves
The Chimera Club (Tallow Lane Books, May 2022)

Melody Groves
Trail to Tin Town (Five Star Publishing, June 2022)
Before Billy the Kid: The Boy Behind the Legendary Outlaw (Two Dot Publishing, August 2022)

Joyce Hertzoff
Winds of Change (August 2022)

Ed Lehner
Grandpa’s Horse and Other Tales (AIA Publishing, March 2022)

Cassie Sanchez
Embracing the Darkness (October 2022)

Avraham “Avi” Shama
Cyberwars — David Knight Goes To Moscow (3rd Coast Books, May 2022)

KLWagoner150_2KL Wagoner (writing as Cate Macabe) is the author of This New Mountain: a memoir of AJ Jackson, private investigator, repossessor, and grandmother. Kat posts to a speculative fiction blog at and writes about memoir at