UNM Craft Fair Entry Form

Greetings SWW members!

We are offering you an opportunity to sell some books at the UNM Arts & Crafts Fair on November 9. Unfortunately, UNM is restricting the number of tables any crafter can have to two, so we don’t have the space for a separate authors corner this year. The event is from 10am to 4pm. The SWW office staff will handle all set up and sales so no additional bodies are needed at this time.

The entry form below must be filled out and emailed to the SWW office prior to October 20, 2024. You can copy the text and drop it into an email or Word document or use the .pdf version.

All authors are responsible for dropping off their books and picking up those unsold at the end of the event. They can ask a friend to do that for them, but please notate it on the entry form.

Email finished form to:  info@swwriters.com

UNM Craft Fair form

UNM Arts and Crafts Festival – SouthWest Writers Booth

Author Participation Form (copy and paste into email or word doc)


Author may enter up to two titles. Six copies per title will be allowed.

The author should designate the cost of the book below. Please round the cost to whole numbers.

10% of all sales will be retained by SWW to cover costs associated with this event.

The author should ensure the books get to the UNM Continuing education building on November 9th prior to the opening time of the craft fair and unsold copies must be picked up by 4:45 pm.

The SWW booth is NOT in our usual meeting space. Upon entering the front of the building turn right. Turn left at the first hallway on the left and enter the room immediately to your right (Room 125).

Fill out the information below and email to:  info@swwriters.com

Author/Member Name:

Email:                                                                        Phone:


Book Title #1:  ________________________

Sale price of book:   $__________

(For office only:  Number of this title brought to the event________                     Staff initials:
Number Returned to the Author_____________                       Staff initials:


Book Title #2:  ________________________

Sale price of book:   $__________

(For office only:  Number of this title brought to the event________                     Staff initials:
Number Returned to the Author_____________                       Staff initials:

UNM Continuing Education Building is located in Albuquerque on University Blvd, north of Indian School Road.


For more information contact the SWW office at info@swwriters.com

Food, Fun, Entertainment and great opportunities to snag unique gifts.




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