William Murray

Pen Name:



Biography, Memoir, Nonfiction stories of wilderness adventures



Social Media:

Twitter/X: @WilliamMur21821


I was born on a ranch in California and grew up raising Black Angus cattle and Quarter horses. We grew thousands of bales of oat hay and rumor was that we made our own whiskey. Life on the ranch was wild and woolly; fists first and conversation second! My dad taught me to ride bucking horses and to start colts. He had four brothers and they taught me to enjoy a few things that I was too young for! My dad taught me to work hard from dawn to dark seven days a week. He also taught me how to play, and boy, did we raise some hell; too much to recount here. Our ranch parties were famous for all the wrong reasons. It was here on the ranch that I learned to hunt and fish. I soon discovered that I loved the high country and the wildlife that lives there. Along the way I raised and trained some wonderful bird and stock dogs. I’ve spent almost my entire life raising livestock in the high country where critters eat each other. In the late 90s I began to pack and guide people into the wilderness and discovered my real passion (people!). I’m long in the tooth now and am taking the time to write my first of several books about my life of adventure. My life’s journey has taught me to love people and all the wildlife that we live with.

I’ve learned that the journey is more important than the hunt.


Title: Worn Out Saddles and Boot Leather: Memoir of a Wilderness Guide
Publisher: McFarland Publishing (July 31, 2024)
Genre: Memoir

William (Will) Murray has put a lifetime of sometimes wild adventure into his books. Stories and chapters about people and horses in tough and often unrelenting situations. From high adventure to the lows of bad luck. Words that tell of the extraordinary courage that people sometimes find when the going gets tough and of those that couldn’t rise to the occasion. From high humor to sheer physical exhaustion, you’ll read about every trip and journey into the wilderness and back. How the journey becomes the hunt without which there can be no harvest. How about those horses? You’ll know them all by name long before you finish this book. True tall tales for the young and old.

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