A 2-hour Workshop:
From Pitch to Launch: Publicity Steps Authors Can Take to Maximize Book Exposure
with Dorinda Wegener
Saturday: February 8, 2025
Noon – 2:00 pm
In Person & via Zoom
SWW members: $20 ♦ Non-members: $30
The presenter will discuss what a formal Book Publicity timeline looks like, as well as touch upon tools an author can use to maximize their own book’s initial impact. Tools discussed will be: media landscapes, PR packets, the book’s “elevator pitch,” reviews, interviews, podcasts, essays, events, tours, and social media outlets. Time will be given for participants to (1) generate a book pitch, (2) to discover what ‘successful’ Publicity means to them, and (3) an audience Q&A. Note: a writer does not need to have a book in order to benefit from this event for knowledge gleaned works with any career stage and genre of writing.