Workshop Registration: March 22

A Special 2-hour Workshop:
Writing a Publishable Novel
with Lisa C. Taylor

Saturday: March 22, 2025
Location: SouthWest Writers Office
10:00 am – Noon
In Person & Via Zoom
SWW members: $20 ♦ Non-members: $30

How do you write a novel that agents and publishers will notice? How do you navigate the confusing world of queries, pitches, and synopses? You have to write a story that will catch the attention of an agent or publisher. In fiction, compelling characters get you noticed. Successful novels help us to understand human desires and instincts. Two elderly people holding hands over their wheelchairs in a nursing home have a story. Every culture, person, and time period has its stories. Stories help us grapple with mortality. Other stories make us angry, or hopeful. The styles and genre of what you may write will vary but all successful novels feature memorable characters because characters are story. Long after you finish a story, a well-written character will stay with you. If you want to write a story that has a chance of publication, you must first find your characters.