A 2-hour Workshop:
How to Speak in Public and Live to Tell the Tale
with Brenda Cole
Saturday: March 8, 2025
Noon – 2:00 pm
In Person Only
SWW members: $20 ♦ Non-members: $30
Does the thought of getting up to speak in public leave you gasping for breath and a heart rate like a hummingbird? Join Brenda for a practical workshop on how to prepare, give and survive public speaking. She will cover: how to project, handle a microphone and present yourself in the best light; how to write a “parachute”; speaking versus reading to your audience; breathing exercises and other brief methods of calming yourself. Everyone will give a 3-5 min talk. Come prepared with 3×5 or 4×6 index cards and ideas on what you want to talk about.